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Our code is here.

Once you have successfully configured the environment, the entire directory structure should be as follows:

├── ckpt
│ ├── lamm_2d # saved checkpoints in training
│ └── ...
├── data # dataset folder, see `Dataset Preparation` section for detail
│   ├── LAMM # LAMM dataset
│   ├── Octavius # Octavius dataset
│ ├── ChEF # ChEF dataset
│ └── ... # your custom dataset
├── docs # document
├── images # readme assets
├── model_zoo # see `Model Preparation for Training` for detail
│ ├── vicuna_ckpt # Vicuna-7B/13B
│ ├── epcl_vit-L_256tokens # EPCL pretraining checkpoints (Optional)
│ └── ...
├── requirements # python environment requirements
├── src
└── ...

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